

Senior Business Applications Developer

· Motivated by developing new functionality for NAV

· After all these years in the field, still enthusiastic about software engineering

· Perfect team: people ready to maximise their efforts for the best results

1. Do you remember the first days in the team?

I remember a small office. And the first corporate fresh fruit – we bought them packaged, it looked so serious. Back then, it was much easier to socialise and communicate – with a two-room office, there were only a few of us, and it was fun. Actually, one of the reasons I joined Global Mediator was the fact that I knew many of my teammates long before the company was established – we shared the same project a few years ago. It felt like coming home. I knew these people, and I was comfortable working with them. Also, I was tempted by work in the office, having spent several years as a remote specialist.

2. What is the biggest motivation at work?

Developing new functionality for NAV. Nobody likes dealing with bugs and legacy code. Motivation is also about flexible working hours, good people, and the financial side. Global Mediator’s principles of “no micromanagement”, flat organisational structure, and no unnecessary bureaucracy. It really helps to keep the communication lines open: the top managers are always there to discuss any questions directly. Transparent communication keeps the teams updated about any news and company direction. It is about a stable project and management from both Global Mediator and the customer’s side. I am also excited about working with Business Central in the near future – which is great.

3 What inspires you to stay a part of the Global Mediator team?

Sometimes, I think about developers who change jobs every 2 or 3 years. Then I think about myself, a person who’s been with Global Mediator for a decade. And whether it’s about time to change something, too. And then it dawns on me – I actually love it all (see above – motivation).

4 Can you describe your perfect team?

People with common sense who stick to the promises made. It is about essential soft skills and being persuasive enough without pushing too hard. It’s about understanding one of Global Mediator’s key features – the ability to say “no” when it is necessary and suggest better solutions if there are any. We never promise anything we’re not sure we can deliver. A perfect team are the people who completely understand what they do and take responsibility for that. Those who can defend their arguments and maximise their efforts to get the best possible results. Step by step, we are getting closer to what we see as a perfect team.

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